The cotton dress by Vanessa Bruno that we have in the store was featured on Design*Sponge this week. It was included on the inspiration board highlighting Labyrinth the movie, and we agree! The dress is feminine and full of fantasy. We’re looking forward to warmer weather so we can pair it with brown flat ankle-wrap sandals. Have a great weekend!
Posts Tagged ‘design sponge’
February 19, 2010
Living in labyrinth via d*s
May 31, 2009
Celebrating the risk takers, the doers, the makers of things
Before working on the shop today, we paid a short visit to the Maker Faire in San Mateo. The highlight of the day was meeting Sabrina Moyle of Hello Lucky! Pictured above are our spoils. It was such a treat to chat with Sabrina about small business, family recipes and interior design. Check out Sabrina’s vintage red velvet cake recipe on Design*Sponge. Have a great week!